Do I have to apply for admission to a dorm or to private landlords?

Yes, in order to apply for admission to a dorm or subsidized beds with private landlords, it is necessary to apply through a tender. The application can be withdrawn, but it cannot be done past the call deadline. Therefore, we recommend that you follow the UP ŠD website, www.sd.upr.si (and the Facebook page), where the tender is published.

Can I apply to UP ŠD even if I want to live with a private facility who does not offer a subsidy or in a private student dormitory that does not offer a subsidy?

No, in this case, you arrange everything without the intervention of UP ŠD. For accommodation in a private student dormitory that has not opted for the subsidy option, you agree or apply in accordance with the conditions and methods published by it and with private landlords, you usually agree to rent, without tenders.

Can I see a list of private landlords?

Private landlords who will claim the subsidy must apply for the tender during the summer months, so the final list is only available then. For information, contact the dormitory office.


Can I stay in the dormitory as a foreign student who is regularly enrolled?

Every year (in the month of June), UP ŠD publishes a separate call for regularly enrolled foreign students and accepts a limited number of students who stay in the dormitory without a subsidy.

What are the home prices?

House prices are set by the UP Board of Directors based on a proposal from the UP Council, the price list is always published on the UP ŠD website.

Does UP ŠD set the price for private landlords?

No, UP ŠD has no influence on the price for private individuals and private homes. On the basis of the tender, UP ŠD determines the conditions that private landlords must meet in order to offer subsidized accommodation for students, which UP ŠD also periodically checks on samples of contractors (there are over 600 of them). According to experience, the price is around 200 EUR, from which the subsidy is deducted. Private individuals must apply through a tender of the ministry, which determines suitability for offering accommodation but does not determine the price.


Do I have to take my laundry home?

No, there are internal laundries in the dorm, where you can get the powder and wash and dry your laundry with a special token.

Is there parking around the home?

Yes, there are parking spaces available for a monthly subscription at the dorm in Prisoje.

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